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Greek professional basketball player.
Born December 6th, 1994 (age 30 years) in Athens. [ref]
Today, on December 6th, the sky is brighter, the air smells sweeter, and the court is shining a little bit more. Why? Because our dear Giannis Antetokounmpo has turned the big 3-0. Happy birthday to the Greek Freak himself! As you enter a new decade, we can't wait to see you dominate the court even more and reach new heights (if that's even possible). May your jump shots be flawless, your dunks be thunderous, and your reign as the reigning MVP continue. Here's to 30 years of greatness and many more to come! Enjoy your special day, you deserve it. Now go celebrate with some baklava and a few Euro steps for good measure. Cheers!
Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you! Dr. Seuss