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Jack Dorsey

American internet computer software executive, former-ceo of twitter.

Born November 19th, 1976 (age 48 years) in St. Louis.

blogger, business executive, businessperson, computer scientist, entrepreneur, programmer

Happy 48th birthday, Jack Dorsey! Can you believe you're almost at half a century? Guess all those late nights of coding and creating Twitter have kept you young at heart. Keep innovating, inspiring, and changing the world, one tweet at a time. Here's to another year filled with hashtags, trends, and maybe even a few more characters (fingers crossed)! Cheers to you, birthday boy. 🎉🎈 #HappyBirthday #JackDorseyTurns48Nov19

The day which we fear as our last is but the birthday of eternity. Lucius Annaeus Seneca