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911 Notable births
 in Brooklyn

Michael Jordan

American basketball player and businessman.

Born February 17th, 1963 (age 62 years) in Brooklyn. [ref]

Jeffrey Epstein

American sex offender and financier (1953–2019).

Born January 20th, 1953 in Brooklyn.

Died August 10th, 2019 at 66 years old in Metropolitan Correctional Center, New York City (hanging, strangling). [ref]

Bernie Sanders

American politician and activist (born 1941).

Born September 8th, 1941 (age 83 years) in Brooklyn. [ref]

Mike Tyson

American boxer.

Born June 30th, 1966 (age 58 years) in Brooklyn.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Associate justice of the supreme court of the united states.

Born March 15th, 1933 in Brooklyn.

Died September 18th, 2020 at 87 years old in Washington, D.C. (pancreatic cancer). [ref]

Adam Sandler

American actor, comedian, and filmmaker.

Born September 9th, 1966 (age 58 years) in Brooklyn.


American rapper from new york.

Born May 8th, 1996 (age 28 years) in Brooklyn. [ref]


American singer, actress, and model (1979–2001).

Born January 16th, 1979 in Brooklyn.

Died August 25th, 2001 at 22 years old in Marsh Harbour (aviation accident).

Anne Hathaway

American actress.

Born November 12th, 1982 (age 42 years) in Brooklyn.

The Notorious B.I.G.

American rapper.

Born May 21st, 1972 in Brooklyn.

Died March 9th, 1997 at 24 years old in Los Angeles (ballistic trauma). [ref]

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