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1,727 Notable births
 in London

Justin Bieber

Canadian singer (born 1994).

Born March 1st, 1994 (age 31 years) in London. [ref]

Emilia Clarke

English actress.

Born October 23rd, 1986 (age 38 years) in London.

Ryan Gosling

Canadian actor.

Born November 12th, 1980 (age 44 years) in London.

Rachel McAdams

Canadian actress.

Born November 17th, 1978 (age 46 years) in London.

Alia Bhatt

Indian-origin british actress.

Born March 15th, 1993 (age 31 years) in London.

Robert Pattinson

English actor and model.

Born May 13th, 1986 (age 38 years) in London.

Christopher Nolan

British-american filmmaker (born 1970).

Born July 30th, 1970 (age 54 years) in London.

Gary Oldman

English actor and filmmaker.

Born March 21st, 1958 (age 66 years) in London. [ref]

Naomi Scott

British actress, singer, musician, dancer.

Born May 6th, 1993 (age 31 years) in London.

Eddie Redmayne

English actor.

Born January 6th, 1982 (age 43 years) in London.

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My life is better with every year of living it. Rachel Maddow