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Prime minister of the united kingdom since 2019.
American film and television actor.
Born September 3rd, 1965 (age 59 years) in New York City.
American chef and television personality (1956-2018).
Born June 25th, 1956 in New York City. [ref]
Died June 8th, 2018 at 61 years old in Kaysersberg Vignoble (hanging). [ref]
American actress and activist.
Born December 21st, 1937 (age 87 years) in New York City. [ref]
American actress, film director and producer.
Born March 10th, 1984 (age 40 years) in New York City.
American singer and songwriter.
American basketball player (born 1947).
Born April 16th, 1947 (age 77 years) in New York City. [ref]
American media personality and socialite.
Born February 17th, 1981 (age 44 years) in New York City.
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Let us celebrate the occasion with wine and sweet words. Plautus