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Notables at age 100

27 Notable birthdays

Eva Marie Saint

American actress.

Born July 4th, 1924 (age 100 years) in Newark.

Ip Chun

Wing chun practitioner.

Born July 31st, 1924 (age 100 years) in Foshan.

Russell M. Nelson

Religious leader of lds church.

Born September 9th, 1924 (age 100 years) in Salt Lake City.

Maria Riva

American actress.

Born December 13th, 1924 (age 100 years) in Berlin.

Priscilla Pointer

American actress.

Born May 18th, 1924 (age 100 years) in New York City.

Ram Vanji Sutar

Indian artist.

Born February 19th, 1925 (age 100 years) in Dhule.

Jane Morgan

Actress and singer.

Born May 3rd, 1924 (age 100 years) in Newton.

Torsten Nils Wiesel

Swedish neuroscientist.

Born June 3rd, 1924 (age 100 years) in Uppsala.

Naser Makarem Shirazi

Iranian grand ayatollah.

Born December 3rd, 1924 (age 100 years) in Shiraz.

Marianne Bernadotte

Swedish actress and philanthropist.

Born July 15th, 1924 (age 100 years) in Helsingborg.

birthdays 1 to 10 of 27

Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you! Dr. Seuss