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American actress, musician, author, and model.
Born December 16th, 1981 (age 43 years) in Bloomsburg.
American science fiction author (1928–1982).
Born December 16th, 1928 in Chicago. [ref]
Died March 2nd, 1982 at 53 years old in Santa Ana (stroke). [ref]
American comedian (1961–1994).
Born December 16th, 1961 in Valdosta. [ref]
Died February 26th, 1994 at 32 years old in Little Rock (pancreatic cancer). [ref]
Swedish musician, composer, record producer.
Born December 16th, 1946 (age 78 years) in Stockholm.
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Inside every older person is a younger person wondering what the hell happened. Cora Harvey Armstrong