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February 27th

435 Notable birthdays

Kate Mara

American actress.

Born February 27th, 1983 (age 42 years) in Bedford.

Elizabeth Taylor

British-american actress (1932-2011).

Born February 27th, 1932 in Hampstead Garden Suburb. [ref]

Died March 23rd, 2011 at 79 years old in Los Angeles (congestive heart failure). [ref]

Chelsea Clinton

American author and global health advocate.

Born February 27th, 1980 (age 45 years) in Little Rock. [ref]

Josh Groban

American singer.

Born February 27th, 1981 (age 44 years) in Los Angeles.

James Wan

Malaysian-australian director, producer, screenwriter, and comic book writer.

Born February 27th, 1977 (age 48 years) in Kuching. [ref]

John Steinbeck

American writer (1902–1968).

Born February 27th, 1902 in Salinas. [ref]

Died December 20th, 1968 at 66 years old in New York City, Harlem (heart failure). [ref]

Joanne Woodward

American actress and producer.

Born February 27th, 1930 (age 95 years) in Thomasville.

Adam Baldwin

American actor.

Born February 27th, 1962 (age 63 years) in Winnetka.

Timothy Spall

English actor.

Born February 27th, 1957 (age 68 years) in London. [ref]

Ralph Nader

American lawyer and activist.

Born February 27th, 1934 (age 91 years) in Litchfield County.

birthdays 1 to 10 of 435

« 02/26
02/28 »

As you get older, three things happen: The first is your memory goes, and I can't remember the other two. Norman Wisdom