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March 2nd

437 Notable birthdays

Daniel Craig

English actor.

Born March 2nd, 1968 (age 57 years) in Chester.

Bryce Dallas Howard

American actress.

Born March 2nd, 1981 (age 44 years) in Los Angeles.

Mikhail Gorbachev

Leader of the soviet union from 1985 to 1991.

Born March 2nd, 1931 in Privolnoye. [ref]

Died August 30th, 2022 at 91 years old in Central Clinical Hospital. [ref]

Chris Martin

English singer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist.

Born March 2nd, 1977 (age 48 years) in Exeter.

Rebel Wilson

Australian actress, writer, producer.

Born March 2nd, 1980 (age 45 years) in Sydney.

Ben Roethlisberger

American football player (born 1982).

Born March 2nd, 1982 (age 43 years) in Lima.

Dr. Seuss

American children's author and cartoonist (1904–1991).

Born March 2nd, 1904 in Springfield.

Died September 24th, 1991 at 87 years old in La Jolla (old age). [ref]

Tiger Shroff

Indian actor.

Born March 2nd, 1990 (age 35 years) in Mumbai.

Desi Arnaz

Cuban-born american musician, actor and television producer (1917-1986).

Born March 2nd, 1917 in Santiago de Cuba.

Died December 2nd, 1986 at 69 years old in Del Mar (lung cancer).

Karen Carpenter

American singer and musician (1950–1983).

Born March 2nd, 1950 in Yale – New Haven Hospital. [ref]

Died February 4th, 1983 at 32 years old in Downey Regional Medical Center (anorexia nervosa). [ref]

birthdays 1 to 10 of 437

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03/03 »

The day which we fear as our last is but the birthday of eternity. Lucius Annaeus Seneca