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April 26th

422 Notable birthdays

Melania Trump

First lady of the united states (2017–2021), model, and businesswoman.

Born April 26th, 1970 (age 54 years) in Novo Mesto. [ref]

Channing Tatum

American actor.

Born April 26th, 1980 (age 44 years) in Cullman. [ref]


American professional wrestler, actor, and politician.

Born April 26th, 1967 (age 57 years) in Torrejón de Ardoz.

Carol Burnett

American actress, comedian and singer.

Born April 26th, 1933 (age 91 years) in San Antonio.

Giancarlo Esposito

American film and television actor.

Born April 26th, 1958 (age 66 years) in Copenhagen.

Jet Li

Chinese-singaporean martial artist and actor.

Born April 26th, 1963 (age 61 years) in Beijing.

Kevin James

American actor and comedian.

Born April 26th, 1965 (age 59 years) in Mineola.

Jordana Brewster

American actress.

Born April 26th, 1980 (age 44 years) in Panama City.

Pablo Schreiber

Canadian-american actor.

Born April 26th, 1978 (age 46 years) in Central Kootenay.


German nazi leader (1894-1987).

Born April 26th, 1894 in Alexandria. [ref]

Died August 17th, 1987 at 93 years old in Spandau Prison (asphyxia). [ref]

birthdays 1 to 10 of 422

« 04/25
04/27 »

All the world is birthday cake, so take a piece, but not too much. George Harrison