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May 7th

402 Notable birthdays


American youtuber (born 1998).

Born May 7th, 1998 (age 26 years) in Wichita. [ref]

Eva Perón

Argentinian actress and politician (1919-1952).

Born May 7th, 1919 in Junín. [ref]

Died July 26th, 1952 at 33 years old in Buenos Aires (cervical cancer). [ref]

Matt Gaetz

American politician and member of the united states house of representatives.

Born May 7th, 1982 (age 42 years) in Hollywood.

Susan Atkins

American convicted murderer from california (1948-2009).

Born May 7th, 1948 in San Gabriel.

Died September 24th, 2009 at 61 years old in Chowchilla (brain cancer).

Traci Lords

American mainstream and pornographic actress, director and singer.

Born May 7th, 1968 (age 56 years) in Steubenville.

Alex Smith

American football player (born 1984).

Born May 7th, 1984 (age 40 years) in Bremerton.

Gary Cooper

American actor (1901-1961).

Born May 7th, 1901 in Helena. [ref]

Died May 13th, 1961 at 60 years old in Beverly Hills (prostate cancer). [ref]

Josip Broz Tito

Yugoslav revolutionary and statesman (1892−1980).

Born May 7th, 1892 in Kumrovec. [ref]

Died May 4th, 1980 at 87 years old in Ljubljana (heart failure). [ref]

Alexander Ludwig

Canadian actor, singer and model.

Born May 7th, 1992 (age 32 years) in Vancouver.

Owen Hart

Canadian professional and amateur wrestler.

Born May 7th, 1965 in Calgary.

Died May 23rd, 1999 at 34 years old in Kansas City (internal bleeding).

birthdays 1 to 10 of 402

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05/08 »

A friend never defends a husband who gets his wife an electric skillet for her birthday. Erma Bombeck