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August 5th

471 Notable birthdays

Neil Armstrong

American astronaut and lunar explorer (1930–2012).

Born August 5th, 1930 in Wapakoneta. [ref]

Died August 25th, 2012 at 82 years old in Cincinnati (coronary artery bypass surgery). [ref]


Indian film actress.

Born August 5th, 1974 (age 50 years) in Mumbai.

Mark Strong

British actor.

Born August 5th, 1963 (age 61 years) in London.

James Gunn

American writer, actor and filmmaker.

Born August 5th, 1966 (age 58 years) in St. Louis.

Marine Le Pen

French politician (born 1968).

Born August 5th, 1968 (age 56 years) in Neuilly-sur-Seine.

Joseph Merrick

Man with severe deformities known as the elephant man.

Born August 5th, 1862 in Leicester.

Died April 11th, 1890 at 27 years old in Whitechapel.

Genelia D'Souza

Indian actress.

Born August 5th, 1987 (age 37 years) in Mumbai.

Maureen McCormick

American actress, singer.

Born August 5th, 1956 (age 68 years) in Encino.

Patrick Ewing

Jamaican-american basketball player.

Born August 5th, 1962 (age 62 years) in Kingston.

Loni Anderson

American actress.

Born August 5th, 1945 (age 79 years) in Saint Paul.

birthdays 1 to 10 of 471

« 08/04
08/06 »

Don't just count your years, make your years count. George Meredith