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American musician, singer, and composer.
Born September 23rd, 1949 (age 75 years) in Long Branch.
American singer and pianist (1930–2004).
Born September 23rd, 1930 in Albany. [ref]
Died June 10th, 2004 at 73 years old in Beverly Hills (liver cancer). [ref]
American actor (1920–2014).
Born September 23rd, 1920 in Brooklyn. [ref]
Died April 6th, 2014 at 93 years old in Studio City (disease). [ref]
American actor, comedian, director and television host.
Born September 23rd, 1959 (age 65 years) in Newark.
American political strategist and former white house press secretary and communications director for president donald trump.
Born September 23rd, 1971 (age 53 years) in Manhasset.
American jazz saxophonist (1926–1967).
Born September 23rd, 1926 in Hamlet. [ref]
Died July 17th, 1967 at 40 years old in Huntington, New York City (liver failure, liver cancer). [ref]
birthdays 1 to 10 of 483
Every birthday is a gift. Every day is a gift. Aretha Franklin