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In the year 1860

270 Notable birthdays

Anton Chekhov

Russian dramatist and author (1860–1904).

Born January 17th, 1860 in Taganrog. [ref]

Died July 15th, 1904 at 44 years old in Badenweiler (tuberculosis). [ref]

John J. Pershing

United states army general in world war i.

Born September 13th, 1860 in Laclede.

Died July 15th, 1948 at 87 years old in Washington, D.C. (heart failure).

Annie Oakley

American sharpshooter and exhibition shooter.

Born August 13th, 1860 in Darke County.

Died November 3rd, 1926 at 66 years old in Greenville (pernicious anemia).

James Naismith

Canadian-american coach; inventor of basketball (1861-1939).

Born November 6th, 1860 in Almonte.

Died November 28th, 1939 at 79 years old in Lawrence.

J. M. Barrie

Scottish writer.

Born May 9th, 1860 in Kirriemuir. [ref]

Died June 19th, 1937 at 77 years old in Marylebone (pneumonia). [ref]

William Jennings Bryan

American politician (1860–1925).

Born March 18th, 1860 in Salem.

Died July 26th, 1925 at 65 years old in Dayton. [ref]

Gustav Mahler

Austrian late-romantic composer.

Born July 7th, 1860 in Kaliště. [ref]

Died May 18th, 1911 at 50 years old in Vienna (endocarditis, sepsis). [ref]

Klara Hitler

Mother of adolf hitler.

Born August 12th, 1860 in Weitra.

Died December 21st, 1907 at 47 years old in Urfahr.

Charles Curtis

Vice president of the united states from 1929 to 1933.

Born January 25th, 1860 in Topeka. [ref]

Died February 8th, 1936 at 76 years old in Washington, D.C. (myocardial infarction). [ref]

Jane Addams

American activist, sociologist and writer.

Born September 6th, 1860 in Cedarville. [ref]

Died June 21st, 1935 at 74 years old in Chicago (cancer).

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1861 »

The day which we fear as our last is but the birthday of eternity. Lucius Annaeus Seneca