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American aviator, engineer, industrialist, and film producer (1905-1976).
Born December 24th, 1905 in Houston.
Died April 5th, 1976 at 70 years old in Houston (myocardial infarction, kidney failure). [ref]
American real estate developer; father of donald trump.
Born October 11th, 1905 in The Bronx.
Died June 25th, 1999 at 93 years old in New Hyde Park (pneumonia).
Russian-american writer and philosopher (1905–1982).
Born February 2nd, 1905 in Saint Petersburg. [ref]
Died March 6th, 1982 at 77 years old in New York City, Manhattan (heart failure). [ref]
American actor (1905-1982).
Born May 16th, 1905 in Grand Island. [ref]
Died August 12th, 1982 at 77 years old in Los Angeles (heart disease). [ref]
Finnish combat sniper.
Born December 17th, 1905 in Rautjärvi.
Died April 1st, 2002 at 96 years old in Hamina.
French existentialist philosopher (1905–1980).
Born June 21st, 1905 in Paris. [ref]
Died April 15th, 1980 at 74 years old in 14th arrondissement of Paris (edema). [ref]
German architect, minister of armaments and war production for nazi germany (1905-1981).
Born March 19th, 1905 in Mannheim. [ref]
Died September 1st, 1981 at 76 years old in London (stroke). [ref]
African-american mobster (1905-1968).
Born October 31st, 1905 in Charleston.
Died July 7th, 1968 at 62 years old in Harlem (myocardial infarction).
Swedish-american actress (1905-1990).
Born September 18th, 1905 in Katarina church parish. [ref]
Died April 15th, 1990 at 84 years old in New York City (pneumonia, kidney failure). [ref]
American screenwriter and novelist (1905-1976).
Born December 9th, 1905 in Montrose. [ref]
Died September 10th, 1976 at 70 years old in Los Angeles (myocardial infarction). [ref]
birthdays 1 to 10 of 683
Please don't retouch my wrinkles. It took me so long to earn them. Anna Magnani