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English mathematician and computer scientist (1912–1954).
Born June 23rd, 1912 in Maida Vale. [ref]
Died June 7th, 1954 at 41 years old in Wilmslow (cyanide poisoning). [ref]
Longtime companion and later wife of adolf hitler.
Born February 6th, 1912 in Munich.
Died April 30th, 1945 at 33 years old in Führerbunker (cyanide poisoning).
American chef.
Born August 15th, 1912 in Pasadena. [ref]
Died August 13th, 2004 at 91 years old in Santa Barbara (kidney failure). [ref]
President and supreme leader of the democratic people's republic of korea (1948—1994).
Born April 15th, 1912 in Pyongyang. [ref]
Died July 8th, 1994 at 82 years old in Pyongyang (myocardial infarction). [ref]
German and later american aerospace engineer and space architect.
Born March 23rd, 1912 in Wyrzysk. [ref]
Died June 16th, 1977 at 65 years old in Alexandria (pancreatic cancer, liver cancer). [ref]
American dancer, actor, singer, director, producer and choreographer (1912-1996).
Born August 23rd, 1912 in Pittsburgh. [ref]
Died February 2nd, 1996 at 83 years old in Beverly Hills (stroke). [ref]
Indian politician and journalist (1912-1960).
Born September 12th, 1912 in Mumbai.
Died September 8th, 1960 at 47 years old in New Delhi (myocardial infarction).
American artist (1912-1956).
Born January 28th, 1912 in Cody. [ref]
Died August 11th, 1956 at 44 years old in East Hampton (traffic collision). [ref]
American economist, statistician, and writer.
Born July 31st, 1912 in Brooklyn. [ref]
Died November 16th, 2006 at 94 years old in San Francisco (heart failure). [ref]
American singer-songwriter (1912–1967).
Born July 14th, 1912 in Okemah. [ref]
Died October 3rd, 1967 at 55 years old in New York City (Huntington's disease). [ref]
birthdays 1 to 10 of 748
Please don't retouch my wrinkles. It took me so long to earn them. Anna Magnani