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In the year 1914

766 Notable birthdays

Hedy Lamarr

Austrian-american actress and co-inventor of an early technique for spread spectrum communications and frequency hopping (1914-2000).

Born November 9th, 1914 in Vienna. [ref]

Died January 19th, 2000 at 85 years old in Casselberry (cardiovascular disease). [ref]

Peter Townsend

British flying ace (1914-1995).

Born November 22nd, 1914 in Yangon. [ref]

Died June 19th, 1995 at 80 years old in Saint-Léger-en-Yvelines (stomach cancer).

Joe DiMaggio

American baseball player, member of the national baseball hall of fame (1914-1999).

Born November 25th, 1914 in Martinez.

Died March 8th, 1999 at 84 years old in Hollywood (lung cancer).

Alec Guinness

British actor (1914–2000).

Born April 2nd, 1914 in Marylebone. [ref]

Died August 5th, 2000 at 86 years old in Midhurst (liver cancer). [ref]

Joe Louis

American boxer (1914-1981).

Born May 13th, 1914 in LaFayette.

Died April 12th, 1981 at 66 years old in Las Vegas (myocardial infarction).

Tennessee Williams

American playwright (1911-1983).

Born March 26th, 1914 in Columbus. [ref]

Died February 25th, 1985 at 70 years old in New York City (choking). [ref]

William S. Burroughs

American novelist, short story writer, essayist, painter, and spoken word performer (1914-1997).

Born February 5th, 1914 in St. Louis. [ref]

Died August 11th, 1997 at 83 years old in Lawrence (myocardial infarction). [ref]

Yuri Andropov

General secretary of the communist party of the soviet union (1914-1984).

Born June 15th, 1914 in Soluno-Dmitriyevskoye.

Died February 9th, 1984 at 69 years old in Moscow (kidney failure). [ref]

Tyrone Power

American actor (1914-1958).

Born May 5th, 1914 in Cincinnati. [ref]

Died November 15th, 1958 at 44 years old in Madrid (myocardial infarction). [ref]

Jackie Coogan

American actor (1914-1984); earned renewed fame in middle age portraying the character uncle fester in the 1960s television series the addams family.

Born October 26th, 1914 in Los Angeles.

Died March 1st, 1984 at 69 years old in Santa Monica (heart disease). [ref]

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With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come. William Shakespeare