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South asian muslim writer, philosopher, and politician.
Born November 9th, 1877 in Sialkot. [ref]
Died April 21st, 1938 at 60 years old in Lahore. [ref]
German writer (1877–1962).
Born July 2nd, 1877 in Calw. [ref]
Died August 9th, 1962 at 85 years old in Montagnola (cerebral hemorrhage). [ref]
German-born american radiology technologist and erotomaniac.
Born February 8th, 1877 in Dresden.
Died July 23rd, 1952 at 75 years old in Tampa.
Purported clairvoyant healer and psychic (1877-1945).
Born March 18th, 1877 in Hopkinsville. [ref]
Died January 3rd, 1945 at 67 years old in Virginia Beach (cerebrovascular disease). [ref]
British mathematician (1877–1947).
Born February 7th, 1877 in Cranleigh. [ref]
Died December 1st, 1947 at 70 years old in Cambridge. [ref]
Armenian philosopher, composer and writer.
Born December 27th, 1877 in Gyumri.
Died October 29th, 1949 at 71 years old in American Hospital of Paris (liver cancer). [ref]
American socialite (1877-1964).
Born March 2nd, 1877 in Manhattan.
Died December 6th, 1964 at 87 years old in Southampton. [ref]
American inventor.
Born March 4th, 1877 in Claysville.
Died July 27th, 1964 at 87 years old in Cleveland.
48th imam of the nizari ismaili community (1877-1957).
Born November 2nd, 1877 in Karachi, British Raj, Bombay Presidency.
Died July 11th, 1957 at 79 years old in Versoix.
Bolshevik revolutionary and founder of the first soviet secret police organs (1877-1926).
Born September 11th, 1877 in Dzerzhinovo.
Died July 20th, 1926 at 48 years old in Moscow (myocardial infarction). [ref]
birthdays 1 to 10 of 354
There is still no cure for the common birthday. John Glenn